What's a Splitter? How does it help your email deliverability?
If you want to set up your Splitter, you can check how to set up my Splitter. The main value of Mailsplit revolves around Splitters. You might have never heard of this word before, because simply it’s the new way to do emailing. In this article, we’ll explain to you: what’s a Splitter? What are its benefits? And how can you use a Splitter to avoid landing in spam? The traditional method: Let’s start with something more familiar. Say, youPopularMailsplit Features
Mailsplit is basically a deliverability management tool. It enables you to monitor, manage, and improve your email deliverability. We offer multiple features that you can use to achieve this purpose. We’ll briefly go through each one, so that you can have a global vision of the tool’s capabilities. Splitters: Splitters are the main feature of Mailsplit. It basically merges multiple mailboxes into one email sender. You can use the Splitter as the sender of your emailing campaigns, which takesFew readersWhat's a Domain ID Card?
What if I told you that you, as a domain owner, are not allowed to send emails from your domain. Yes, even if you own the domain, your sent emails can be seen as spam. You need to tell the world that the one sending emails from the domain is actually you, and not someone else impersonating you. This is exactly the purpose of your Domain security records: otherwise known as SPF, DKIM and DMARC records. By using SPF, DKIM and DMARC, you make it easier for an email recipient to check if yourFew readersSplitter Components
If you want to set up your Splitter, you can check how to set up my Splitter. A Splitter is your way to improve your deliverability. It might be an unfamiliar concept to you, but we designed it in a way that is intuitive and easy to use. In this article, I’ll go through the main components of a Splitter, so that you can get familiar with the concept and easily use it. A Splitter has mainly 5 simple components, which are usual tools used in eSome readers